Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thoughts today are...

I was reading my bible this morning, Matthew chapter 8 & 9. One verse confused me, or made me question: Jesus asked people to follow him, and one woman said let me first bury my father, Jesus turned to her and said, "Let the dead bury the dead." It seems to be a bit confusing. She want to follow him, but also be respectful of her father, by properly giving him a burial. It has to have a deeper meaning, but what is it? I did look it up and found this response: It's used in the Bible (see quotes) and means that you make 'a clear and total break with the spiritually dead—that is, with the spiritually “dead” world you’re leaving behind. '

Moving on:
It is the first full football Sunday. Eagles play the Packers today in Philadelphia. Kevin Kolb starts today as the new Eagles QB. It is the first time in 11 seasons another person is starting at qb for the Eagles. while I initially questioned the move, I am excited about what Kolb can bring to the team. It may not be this year, but with all of the young players the Eagles have on their team, it could be next year.

I love the fact that the Phillies are in another pennant race. They wake up today tied with Atlanta for first place. Both teams have an 82-60 record. So the last 20 games will be interesting.

Time to clip the coupons and plan the shopping list.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

Time to Move On

After many months of frustration, fans of the Fightin' Phils just need to move on. These words need to be spoken and understood by Phillies fans: WE ARE NOT GETTING CLIFF LEE!!!!!

With the Phillies acquiring Roy Oswalt from the Houston Astros, the Cliff Lee issue needs to be put to rest. I like hundreds if not thousands of Phillies fans were hoping that we could make a deal to get Cliff Lee here before the 2010 trade deadline. Once the he went to Texas, we felt a little twinge in the heart. To me, I really enjoyed watching his enthusiasm for the game come out. His confidence as well. He was very simply a great player to watch and root for.

Now we move on to support our newest Phillie, Roy Oswalt. He is talented and can definitely help us get back to the playoffs. Philly fans, true knowledgeable Philly fans know this. They know he is not a certain lefty pitcher who is currently employed by the Rangers. They know he can help us and we need to let him.

Now my concern turns to whether or not Rauuul Ibanez can continue to improve his performance for this year. If his rise is no fluke and he is truly getting healthy, we could seriously challenge for the division once again. Once Utley returns, the team is set. The poor hitting is behind us and the now we need the pitching to stay solid.

Another summer that has provided great hope leads to a fall with another shot at the post-season. It has been said we are living in a a very unique time to be a Phillies fan. It is almost August and I can see us playing beyond game number 162. What a great feeling.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

John Rosemond Weekly Parenting Column

After reading this column from John Rosemond, I felt the need to hold on to it and share it. Rosemond shared a few points that needed to be shared and reflected upon: 1. Even if you have administered good parenting skills, that will not result in a child that follows everything you have tried to instill; 2. free will is s blessing and a challenge; 3. explain to your child that they may not understand what you are doing as a parent, but at some point you will--hopefully.

Weekly Column

Sunday, February 21, 2010